Harlem Artist Studio, Harlem, NYC, 2020

Our intervention, "Harlem Artist Studio" gives new life to a derelict church on Frederick Douglass Boulevard in West Harlem. The project involved the conversion of the existing structure into a home, art studio, gallery, and social gathering space for contemporary artist Ghada Amer and her partner. Our intervention responds to the heritage of the site and signals itself as a singularly modern space for living culture and creativity. Our innovation is in the detailing of the facade. The new facade is an abstraction of the former church's; it recapitulates the historical arch windows without ornamentation.


Harlem Artist Studio, 2020


Harlem Artist Studio — Facade


Harlem Artist Studio — Artist studio


Harlem Artist Studio — Rooftop


Harlem Artist Studio — Night view


Harlem Artist Studio — Facade detail


Harlem Artist Studio — Cellar Plan


Harlem Artist Studio — Ground Floor Plan